Donnerstag, 11. August 2011

Far-right politics

Have you ever heard the main media talk about right wing politics without calling it far-right politics, right-radicalism, right-fundamentalism, right-extremism? I haven’t in years. What exactly would be not-extreme right-wing politics? left-wing politics?

Mittwoch, 10. August 2011

Boredom in Brazil

Have you ever heard that Brazilian children play football to escape poverty? I hear this neat explanation every time German television is showing some Brazilian boys playing football. I am starting to suspect, no social scientist has ever watched German TV, because this explanation is not only Marxist, it is just ridiculous. Marxists say, the means of production (infra-structure) determines which will be the social values (superstructure). That means, your moral and cultural values are a consequence of how much money you have and how you obtain it. Since there are some rich Brazilian football players it must be that the rest of the country is playing football to get rich too and that is why Brazilian are playing football. Right? No. First, Brazilians always played football and the golden era of Brazilian football occurred in a time when there weren’t international contracts and salaries were shit. Second, why should Brazilian children play football to escape poverty if only about 1% of professional football players can live from their salaries? Don’t they know that? Sure they do, everyone in Brazil does. Third, wouldn't that be a stupid strategy anyway if it were true? Sure. I can tell you, Brazilian children who want to escape poverty do one out of two possible things: they find a job from the first moment they can walk and keep working till they are rich or... they get a gun and go dealing drugs and robbing, what is far more effective. Football playing... come on, Brazilian do not like to mix work and pleasure, Brazilian just love playing football. Brazilian children are not trying to escape poverty, they are trying to escape boredom. In sports classes there is almost always only football, it is a national passion. But never mind, Marx was German and must be right: no one living outside Germany have the right to just enjoy football because they do not have the German infrastructure. They are suffering and trying to escape poverty kicking on the sunny beach.