Dienstag, 6. September 2011

Ask the question as long as you need to get the answer you desire

Much like the political strategy of the European Union regarding the ratification of a European constitution by member states is the Brazilian policy regarding the abortion. Unpopular law projects are submitted again and again to public opinion till the project is aprooved. In Brazil there is an about 30 years old abortion law, which allows the abortion in three cases: rape, life-risk for the mother, and inviability of the phoetus. There is nothing wrong with this law, its application is quick and it is an effective mean to promote the protection of women and their rights. However, in the last 4 years at least once an year a new law project pops out, which is meant to substitute the abortion law. If this law is approved, abortion will be allowed in every case and at any time. To abort a child 5 minutes before its birth will be considered fine. Although the Brazilian population is massively against this very liberal (some would prefer to say diabolical) abortion law, specific groups of left-wing politicians submit slightly modified version of the same law project year after year. At some point in the future they will probably succeed because they have been preparing to succeed for decades. Every time a new version of the abortion law is discussed in the parliament, the level of rejection in the general population can be measured. Of course, after having discussed the topic of abortion for the nth time, citizens may get tired and want to finish the discussion forever. This is the time point in which instead of crying loud their opposition to the new abortion law, citizens will just remain silent and let obscure left-wing politicians dictate new rules regarding rights over babies’ life and death. That these projects have been systematically blocked in the last years suggests that even corrupt Brazilian politicians still have some moral values left and do not want to be associated with the abortion of healthy. The important question is how long they will hold. I bet not longer than 10 years. When this day has arrived, I will propose an even more radical abortion bill. The retroactive abortion: If mothers give their consent, anyone can be “aborted” at any time of their lives. I cannot avoid the mental picture of Fidel Castro’s mother requiring his immediate abortion. In Germany it would be the mother of Tito Bollen claiming her rights. Definitely.

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