Donnerstag, 28. Juli 2011

Junkies making politics?

If socialism (as it is defined today or has been defined before or whatsoever) is so different from the national-socialism as every left-wing person I know insists to tell me it to be, why are parties such as the NPD in Germany so strong in the German states corresponding to the former East Germany? Are people there a kind of junkies of politics to keep trying new drugs just to experience a harder trip next time? Are they experimenting wildly on new ways of life or trying to see the World from a new perspective, in this case jumping from the extreme left to the extreme right just to know how it feels? Or perhaps they are just missing the old authoritarian personality, someone who tells them whom to hate and why. For me this is perfectly understandable: since at least 1870 they are living in a highly militarized region, which has been degraded since them by a succession of authoritarian governments, these are five or six generations who never knew the meaning of the old Western concepts of freedom and Judaic-Christian culture. How could this poor people miss any traditional western value, if they have never experienced that before? In my view these NPD people are just being consequent and pursuing their revolutionary ways as the old communists and nazis always did. Shame upon those among us, who believe the NPD politics has anything to do with Western values and traditions. no, no, no, my friends... In a way these guys are political junkies, but not because of any dramatic change in their world view. These guys always thought like pure-blood communists and continue doing that, but now under the disguise of something called NPD.

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